Thursday, October 21, 2010

Pigeon Lofts - conversion of any structure outdoors in a Perfect Pigeon Loft

In the year, every possible location for a pigeon loft was used. Some top fanciers are still regularly in Belgium and the Netherlands, installing lofts and keep pigeons them literally in their lofts!

Although it is convenient and easily accessible from the home, it is really not as health as an outdoor area for your oiseaux.Dans many places, it is actually illegal to keep pigeons in your home and will result in your local sanitary inspector or health public agent you shutdown.

With very little cost, you can convert almost any structure outdoor in a large loft as your pigeons happy in. It could be a hangar, a grainary or an old barn; nothing has potential!

For example, during the second world war, the British army converted a number of double Richard Decker buses is in enormous, portable pigeon lofts which could easily store hundreds of birds.The only limit is your imagination (as long as it is in a healthy environment: you do not want the pigeon loft to make your sick pigeons).

Pigeon fanciers there who construct their top of the stables with the conviction that the strong smell of manure will help their lofts pigeons find their path of the retour.Il could be true, but you can never be certain! all I can think, in this case, is that pigeon lofts above of the stables will have all sorts of horrible vapours penetrated up to air your pigeons are breathing, which may bring much discomfort.

In fact, for most people, better and cheaper structures for the conversion will be old hangars, greenhouses sheds or garages.

View the original article here


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