Have you ever move long distances with birds? It can be difficult. Learn from my mistakes.
When I heard that I had to move to California, Texas, I have panicked. I had 5 cockatiels and a cat. What was I to do? Thus, you do what you do. I rented a truck moving big, the kind who had kind of a roof. The top was white and convex so that light from the Sun could obtain. It was fall, so I didn't have to worry about heat my favourites. I put their cage on the floor of the truck and it stuck among other furniture but not enough for autolimiter them.No there is no place for them in the cabin of the camion.Nous had three people and a cat.
I did put in water and food in the cage, but they were too nervous to eat. My mistake was leaving the perches in the cage.Among baby cockatiels fell off the beam and badly its jambe.Elle was correct but limped to the rest of his life. My view is taken out of the cage during the voyage perches.
The night we held their motel with us.We had to take well entendu.Cela gave them a chance to calm and drinking water. The journey took three days. But we have all done okay.
Another time, our House flooded in an ouragan.Nous had to evacuate and flick through thigh deep water.I put my birds with a few holes paper bags upwards.I their holding my head as I then to higher ground.It was an emergency situation, and they were not in very long bag.
It would be ideal if you can put them right on the back seat of a car air conditioning in their cage.Mais not all situations are idéales.Il is survivable voyage.Bonne chance.
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