Pigeon perch is crucial for any loft pigeon, regardless of their race or number of pigeons are kept. ? However, the exact type of pigeon perch vary by race.
For racing pigeons and fantasies resembling some runners pigeons, pigeon perches will be the same. ? commonly used for these races are usually called "perches box".? are approximately 10 inches square, with a depth of inch. ? approximately five it can be integrated into units made properly fit in the space of the wall at the back of the loft section.
Pigeon perches box are not appropriate for fantasies with bequests. very progressive ? pigeons that their feathers would quickly get sales from droppings and be stuck in a small space would overwrite the lip chlamydoselachu on certain breeds.
In these circumstances, you must provide them with a beam of pigeon that pigeon rest comfortably, without risking its getting dirty or damaged feathers.
The best type of Poles, in this case, is the inverted "V".? is the advantage of these types of perches that not only are they better for fantasy races, they are also cheap to install. ? too, they can be easily manufactured in series or in the unit and then attached to the wall outlet.
There are a number of fanciers who don't like not perches fastened directly to the walls. ? loft, what they give to their perches floor depending, as little. pedestals ?, birds I never been too keen on these types of pigeon perches because I love my birds to be much later on the floor, just in case something gets during the night and two crises them or attacks.
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