According to scientists, birds have roamed the land for less than 150 million years. Meanwhile, they have reached undisputed mastery of the sky. They have come a long way from their ancestors, mésozoïque era 230 million of 63 million years feathered dinosaurs.
There are various theories on how some of these dinosaurs has come to take to the sky and gradually evolving what we know now as birds.One theory is that smaller, to protect against larger predators on land of dinosaurs, began to seek refuge in the arbres.Et, once they were in the trees, they gradually evolved ways of moving among the trees, starting by jumping and windsurfing and progressively better flying and better.
Initially, human saw birds primarily as a food source.Early man would not only create traps to take food for birds, but they would raid also periodically nests of birds for their oeufs.Finalement instead of puncture village, wild bird nests would raise birds like the hens and chickens on their properties. This makes the whole process of the harvest of eggs so much easier.
And then, some about point four thousand years or it there, we begin to treat certain birds as pets and compagnons.La research on ancient Egyptian artifacts reveal company birds used to store the domestic bird cages. What are these birds primarily known for their beauty. Apparently, at that time, having possession of a company bird was something of a status symbol.
In the years it has become popular for certain species of birds, specifically for use as pets race.Les Canary is a perfect example.Another is the Parrot.But even if ownership of birds has become more popular, millions more people interested in the how lived wild birds.And, as a result of this interest, ornithology activity or observation of birds has grown among most popular hobbies in the country and around the world.
Today, birds are among our best friends in the Kingdom of the heavy animal does us a great service by helping to control the population of insects which would be otherwise we exceeded or we make use million tonnes of pesticides.En in addition, they are essential in the pollination of many plantes.Et they contributed to the propagation of plant seed far and wide and are usually responsible for the initial creation of many forest areas in the world.
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