Breeding turkeys show can be a great company and a rewarding hobby. The only caveat is, it takes much more dedication that, say, breeding turkeys for meat. In fact, even before starting to seriously consider this, you must make sure that you are up to this difficult task. Turkeys, especially those who are high for the competition, should be treated and fed regularly - and for the rest of their lives. If you omit this, your turkeys will fall by weight and size, and it will be all catch up later. In addition to these perpetual tasks, breeding turkeys show is also a time consuming activity and requiring a lot of patience and dedication.
Raising turkeys show basically involves four main phases, the first is setting up an environment that will promote their growth and their health. It is important you have ready breeding space before birds arrive, including all equipment and facilities. Your typical needs a favourable environment are ample space, adequate ventilation, a temperature-controlled, security and protection against natural predators of birds as well as items.At this stage, it is important to remember that any changes in the environment can put stress on the dindes.Comme, it is essential that the environment and the changes which be controlled.
The second phase is feeding birds a scheme that provides enough of their nutritional needs.Right nutrition enables to achieve their full potential growth .the birds ' feeding is an area that would require research. Begin raising turkeys spectacle, you first familiarize yourself with the vitamins and nutrients that promote the growth of muscle tissues and OS, those that enhance the immune system and those who provide the energy for daily activities of birds.
Once you have set up an environment ideal for birds and found the right balance of feeds, the next thing that you must learn to do is choose birds that are most likely gagner.Les typical judged turkeys performance criteria are of weight, size and quantity of meat of breast cancer.When you select the birds entering competitions, look for those that are larger and heavier, and with the concentration of most muscle chest.Examine the birds for any defects, such as injuries, crooked legs or fractures, these are the reasons for rejection.
Finally, the last part of the breeding turkeys show is keeping records of them .Enregistrements allow you to track the progress of your turkeys and your previous decisions relating to each .Vos records should also include notes about the facilities, such as temperature, moisture content, weight, health, and power consumption.
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